Jericho Brown in The Green Room
Saturday, May 29th, 2021
In 2021, The Green Room LIVE – an online version of our beloved Green Room arts and ecology series – was envisioned as a response to the Covid-19 crisis. In our second event in this series, The Merwin Conservancy hosted award-winning poet Jericho Brown, who read from his three books of poetry, including his most recent The Tradition (Copper Canyon Press, 2019), for which he was awarded the Pulitzer Prize. The reading is followed by a discussion with The Merwin Conservancyʻs executive director Sonnet Coggins, and includes questions from the online audience.
The Green Room LIVE Spring 2021 series was made possible thanks to The Merwin Conservancy’s Green Room Patrons and the Atherton Family Foundation. This series also included a partnership with da Shop: books + curiosities in Honolulu.