“What is Modern” by W.S. Merwin

Published in: 

Opening the Hand, 1983

Are you modern

is the first
tree that comes
to mind modern
does it have modern leaves

who is modern after hours
at the glass door
of the drugstore
within sound of the airport

or passing the
animal pound
where once a week I
gas the animals
who is modern in bed

was modern born
who first was pleased
to feel modern
who first claimed the word
as a possession
saying I’m

as someone might say
I’m a champion
or I’m famous or even
as some would say I’m

or I love the sound
of the clarinet
yes so do I
do you like classical
or modern

did modern
begin to be modern
was there a morning
when it was there for the first time
completely modern

is today modern
the modern sun rising
over the modern roof
of the modern hospital
revealing the modern water tanks and aerials
of the modern horizon

and modern humans
one after the other
solitary and without speaking
buying the morning paper
on the way to work

The Merwin Conservancy's logo; image displays a palm frond oriented vertically