“Tracing the Letters” by W.S. Merwin

Published in: 

The Rain in the Trees, 1987


When I learn to read
I will know how green is spelled
when it is not green

already for all
the green of the years
there is only one word
even when the green is not there
and now the word is written down
and not only spoken

so it can be closed in the dark
against an unknown page
until another time

and still the green comes without a word
but when I see it
a word tells me it is green
and I believe it
even in the dark

I will be glad to learn to read
and be able to find
the stories with green in them
and to recognize
the green hands that were here before
the green eyelids and the eyes

The Merwin Conservancy's logo; image displays a palm frond oriented vertically