“The Plaster” by W.S. Merwin

How unlike you

To have left the best of your writing here

Behind the plaster where they were never to be found

These stanzas of long lines into which the Welsh words

Had been flung like planks from a rough sea

How will I

Ever know now how much was not like you

And what else was committed to paper here

On the dark burst sofa where you would later die

Its back has left a white mark on the white wall and above that

Five and a half indistinct squares of daylight

Like pages in water

Slide across the blind plaster

Into which you slipped the creased writings as into a mail slot

In a shroud

This is now the house of the rain that falls from death

The sky is moving its things in from under the trees

In silence

As it must have started to do even then

There is still a pile of dirty toys and rags

In the corner where they found the children

Rolled in sleep

Other writings

Must be dissolving in the roof

Twitching black edges in cracks of the wet fireplaces

Stuck to shelves in the filthy pantry

Never to be found

What is like you now

Who were haunted all your life by the best of you

Hiding in your death

The Merwin Conservancy's logo; image displays a palm frond oriented vertically