“The Finding of Reasons” by W.S. Merwin

Every memory is abandoned
As waves leave their shapes
The houses stand in tears as the sun rises

Even Pain
That is a god to the senses
Can be forgotten
Until he returns in the flashing garments
And the senses themselves
Are to be taken away like clothing
After a sickness

Proud of their secrets as the dead
Our uses forsake us
That have been betrayed
They follow tracks that lead before and after
And over water
The prints cross us
When they have gone we find reasons

As though to relinquish a journey
Were to arrive
As though we had not been made
Of distances that would not again be ours
As though our feet would come to us once more
Of themselves freely
To us
Their forgotten masters

To listen to the announcements you would think
The triumph
Were ours

As the string of the great kite Sapiens
Cuts our palms
Along predestined places
Leaving us
While we find reasons

The Merwin Conservancy's logo; image displays a palm frond oriented vertically