July 31, 2023

By Sonnet Coggins

A Short Story from the Garden

“Director’s Notes” are excerpts from our monthly email newsletter, “Stories from the Garden.” Subscribe and see past issues here.


Here we are, on the other side of the solstice. While light wanes by the day, we listen to all the language of summer, and take a short break from our Stories from the Garden. As we pause to relish stillness, we offer stillness to you here—in a summer sonnet from Garden Time, the quiet of the garden dojo, a walk among the palms. And, in past Stories; here you can look into the realm of poets, or consider the essential work of the imagination and what it may mean to belong to places.

The unfolding story of the garden continues, of course, and new missives are just ahead. In the coming months, we will announce new residencies and more opportunities to hike in the garden, and we’ll continue to offer glimpses of growth and change. We look forward to sending those stories your way.

With warm wishes,


The Merwin Conservancy's logo; image displays a palm frond oriented vertically